Classification: Private Listing
Condition: NEW
Location: Cudworth, United Kingdom
Date of listing: 16/05/2016

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Tonsil Sound Limited
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More Information about TONSIL MAESTRO III


Maestro III is a modernized version of the Maestro II 180 speaker system. The main aim of the modernization was to extend the possibilities of playing different kinds of music. Before the Maestro system was chiefly used for playing symphonic music.

The changes made in the Maestro III speaker system resulted in improved bass sound. In consequence, the system can be used for playing music with more low sounds. Naturally, the changes were not limited to the low frequency range only. Bearing in mind very good opinions about Maestro II, we matched the mid-range sound with the new bass sound. The new mid-range speaker with a phase equalizer and open oscillating system resulted in a very detailed and subtle diameter, giving a very good acoustic scene of the speaker set. Another advantage of the system is its vertical deflection, which improves the highest frequency propagation and results in better general acoustic impression of the system.


Technical specifications

Rated power - 100 W

Maximum power - 200W

Impedance 6 Ohms

Bandwidth 30-20 000Hz

Efficiency - 91 dB

Dimensions [W x H x D] - 210x1050x320 mm

Weight - 23 kg

Sub-woofer - 2x GDN 17/50/3 8 Ω

Mid-woofer - GDN 15/40/F 8 Ω

Tweeter - GDWK 10/80/19 8 Ω

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